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© 2015 Felipe Azambuja     |     All Rights Reserved     |     7800 SW 57 Avenue, Suite 223     |     South Miami, Florida 33143     |    305.607.0448     |     FelipeAzambuja.com

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The office is located

in South Miami

on Red Road (SW 57 Av.)

4 blocks north of

Sunset Drive (SW 72 St.).

7800 SW 57th Avenue Suite 223

South Miami, Florida 33143 USA


The quality of
our breathing
the quality
of our lives –
health, moods,
energy and
creativity . . .

Carola Speads

Physical ReEducator

Felipe Azambuja, Azambuja Method, postural reeducation, drug-free pain relief, pain, tension, stress, psycho/physical, stress reduction


For more information or to schedule an appointment,

Felipe Azambuja, Azambuja Method, postural reeducation, drug-free pain relief, pain, tension, stress, psycho/physical, stress reduction

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Postural Re-Education: A Drug-free approach to pain relief